Soon after the great man's death the elevators began acting strangely. Instead of returning to the ground floor, they began arriving daily on the third floor or the fourth floor without being called. Elevators aren’t supposed to do that! It was as if they were transporting an unseen passenger to a habitual destination. Many strange encounters ensued.
One day a mother and daughter were riding the elevator up to the 6th floor to meet a curator in that normally off-limits work area. All seemed normal until the eyes of the 5-year old daughter widened. She turned to her mother and asked, “Who’s that man?” Nobody else was riding with them as far as she could see, but she couldn't help but notice an abrupt temperature drop. Thankfully, the strange tension was broken quickly when the doors opened on the 4th floor. No one was waiting to get on, but perhaps someone was getting off as they felt a cold breeze rush past. Upon meeting with the curator, the little girl's mother discovered they had most likely just encountered the ghost of Milwaukee Public Museum's former director, whose office was once located on the 4th floor.
Expect to see downtown in a whole new light as you hear its spooky stories in this 45-minute driving tour. Learn why the Pfister Hotel is as notorious with Major League Baseball players as it is with paranormal investigators, why your eyes might be drawn upward when visiting City Hall, which local bar contains both Cold War artifacts and ghosts, and the identity of the specter who might be sitting next to you at the Pabst Theater, among other strange tales.
At Krampusnacht, near the alley between Best Place and The Barley Room at Eleven25 at 1125 N. 9th Street
Copyright 2024 Huberty LLC DBA American Ghost Walks